Full dates of Impact August 3rd to September 30th.
Things to do prior to Mercury Retrograde:
Backup all devices
Get your car maintenance done
Get prepared to be more patient with yourself, other beings on the planet and patient with all tech (devices, oven, stove, washer, dryer, drone, planes, trains and automobiles and your favorite IT person.
Get prepared that your own internal communication with yourself and with others can be bumpy....Make use of Mercury Mudra when talking with others to help communication to be smoother and clearer.
Plan your time and hours accordingly to allow for more space for Reflection, Re-juvenation, Re-Evaluating, Re-laxing, more meditation.
Do not release a book, step into a contract, buy a new car.
I like to explain Mercury Retrograde more fully because most leave out the Mercury Retrograde process and many of us are impacted at a variety of levels earlier than the actual retrograde begins.
Sat Hari Kaur
Global Kundalini Yoga Trainer, Teacher/Trainer of Vastu Shastra, Vedic Astrology, Astrocartography and Self Knowledge Mechanics (Human Design). Sat Hari Kaur holds teacher trainings, classes, workshops, and does consultations.